The recent amendments to the UK law on porn have sparked a heated debate among lawmakers, feminists, and adult industry professionals. While the intention behind the changes may have been to protect children from accessing inappropriate content, many argue that the new regulations are inherently sexist and disproportionately affect women. In this article, we'll explore the reasons why these amendments are problematic and how they could impact the dating and adult entertainment industries.

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The New Regulations

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The new regulations require all commercial pornographic websites to implement age verification systems to ensure that users are over 18 years old. While this may seem like a reasonable measure to protect minors, the way in which it is being implemented has raised concerns among many.

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One of the most contentious aspects of the new regulations is the requirement for websites to obtain proof of age from every user, even those who are clearly adults. This means that all users will be required to provide personal information, such as a passport or driver's license, in order to access adult content.

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Sexist Impact

The implementation of these regulations has been criticized for its inherently sexist impact on the adult industry. Many argue that the burden of age verification falls disproportionately on women, who are often the primary targets of online harassment and doxxing.

Women in the adult industry are particularly vulnerable to having their personal information exposed, which can have serious repercussions for their safety and privacy. By requiring all users to provide personal information, the new regulations put female performers at an increased risk of harm.

Furthermore, the regulations could also have a negative impact on the dating industry. Many dating apps and websites include adult content or links to adult entertainment sites, and the new age verification requirements could make it more difficult for users to access this content. This could potentially lead to a decline in user engagement and revenue for dating platforms that rely on adult content to attract and retain users.

Alternative Solutions

While protecting children from accessing inappropriate content is a valid concern, many argue that the new regulations are not the most effective way to address this issue. Instead of placing the burden of age verification on adult performers and users, there are alternative solutions that could be more effective in protecting minors.

For example, implementing better parental controls and education on internet safety could go a long way in preventing children from accessing adult content. Additionally, creating a clear and easily accessible complaints procedure for reporting inappropriate content could help to address concerns about children's exposure to adult material.


The recent amendments to the UK law on porn have sparked a contentious debate about their impact on the adult industry and their potential to disproportionately affect women. While the intention behind the regulations may be well-meaning, the way in which they are being implemented has raised concerns about their sexist impact.

It's important for lawmakers to consider the unintended consequences of these regulations and to work towards solutions that protect children without unfairly burdening adult performers and users. By addressing the concerns raised by the adult industry and feminist activists, there is an opportunity to develop more effective and equitable regulations that benefit all parties involved.